Juul Pod and Wire Sculpture
This installation was made in my senior year of high school in response to Vaping hysteria of the time. Me and my late friend Naomi Schiller decided to make a pair of lungs made entirely of Juul Pod's for our AP Art History final. We bent wire hangers into the shape of lungs and acquired around 100 empty Juul Pods from our friends to create this sculpture. This piece was on display in the bathroom of the drama building, a favorite vaping spot. We placed the sculpture on the mirror so the viewer could reflect on both themselves and the lungs that were directly in front of them. A soundtrack of old cigarette commercials, chaotic laughing and coughing, fiend dialog and bathroom noises could be heard while you were inside the bathroom. More recently I took the same sculpture from high school and took some self portraits with projection support to integrate the older work into my current medium of choice.